
The Mask – Loki strikes again in the form of this artefact and a great performance by Jim Carey!

Pretty simple this one, a 1-peice 3D print with very few supports. The print was done upside-down (chin at the top) and after an initial ‘issue’ with some birds-nesting (caused by another item I was printing at the same time!) it ran straight through.

Clean up was almost zero, a little bit of light sanding where the supports had been was enough to be ready for prime and paint.

Sometimes bad things happen…

Sometimes you get up in the morning, excited to see how your overnight print of the full mask of Loki went and what you find is not what you expected.

It happens.


After a coat of spray acrylic primer everything else was hand painted. The base coat was a Burnt Umber with lighter browns and yellow tones added and blended over the top following the wood grain lines.

The noseguard was overpainted with a mix of metallic bronze and black as I didn’t want it to look too new but still have a definitive metallic look.

The thing which really made this pop was the addition of dark green washes into the grain lines, these were applied and then dabbed to give just a slight bleed onto the top of the adjacent areas. This really gave depth to the piece and brought everything together.

Finally the green magical sheen on the back was a coat of Vallejo Galaxy Dust Dark Green / Tin shifter colour airbrush paint. This actually came out better than I’d hoped!



  • Grey Matte PLA
  • Grey acrylic primer spray
  • Acrylic artists paints
  • 180 / 240 grit sandpaper
  • Bronze metallic acrylic paint
  • Vallejo Galaxy Dust Dark Green / Tin flip airbrush paint


  • Anycubic Kobra 2 Max 3d printer
  • Cheap chip brush
  • Artists brushes
  • Airbrush